Auto insurance: having the same insurance for the car and the home

Can be the same insurance for his car and his house?
The driver or the owner of a land motor vehicle is obliged to insure it against the damage it could cause to others. The naked a tenant is also required to purchase home insurance.

Often, when it endorsed both, signing separate contracts. However, it is quite possible to have the same insurance for the home and car.
The same insurance for the car and housing, it is possible!
In fact, nothing prevents to combine two insurance into a single. It is an offer that found in many insurers. It is not mandatory to always separate your insurance for your auto insurance, instead. The consolidation of contracts has also some benefits, which basically makes sense: insurance companies have every interest in what their clients entrust to them several contracts instead of one.

Specifically, this is materialized by benefits, often in the form of more attractive prices for the insured. Similarly, from a practical point of view, have a combined insurance limits the number of interlocutors to contact in case of problems. If you need to modify personal information, (for example, following a move), there is only one company to inform.

Must it consolidate its contracts?
However, as always for insurance, we do not choose a random solution. What looks like an El Dorado can be dust in the eyes. If you wish to consolidate its contracts, do not jump on the first offer came. We must be certain that the contract that we match our needs.

For example, before signing, please check that the proposed safeguards are sufficient: all contracts offer the same. Moreover, some discounts on bundled contracts may be only temporary. For one year, are available rates, and then suddenly, we find ourselves to pay the normal price.


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